Akshay Kumar’s fans are in for a massive treat soon as the superstar is coming up with his first period drama. We are talking about Samrat Prithviraj which will feature Akshay in the titular role opposite debutant Manushi Chhillar. This Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi’s directorial is one of the most anticipated releases of the year and the team is not leaving any stone unturned to promote Samrat Prithviraj. And now, as per the recent buzz, Akshay and Manushi will be heading to Somnath Temple in Varanasi with Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan’s flag to seek blessings for their movie.
Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chillar to visit Somnath Temple
In fact, the Samrat Prithviraj duo will also be visiting Rai Pithora fort in New Delhi and will be putting the flag there to honour Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan’s valour. Confirming the news, Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi stated, “Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan was the last Hindu Samrat of our country who stood up to protect Bharatmata’s freedom and dignity from merciless invaders who wanted to plunder India. We made this film to salute his glorious spirit and we are now travelling with Samrat Prithviraj’s flag to the Somnath Temple and Varanasi to seek blessings with the flag that represented freedom for our country”.
Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chillar to place the flag at Rai Pithora
Furthermore, Akshay and Manushi will also be visiting Samrat’s Rai Pithora fort in New Delhi and will place the flag there in his honour. Dwivedi stated that after putting the holy water of Ganga on the flag, the flag will be taken to Rai Pithora to honour Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan’s valour. The filmmaker stated that he hopes his period drama will imbibe the same spirit of undaunting courage among the youth.
Akshay Kumar’s upcoming movies
Also starring Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Sood and Manav Vij in the lead, Samrat Prithviraj will be hitting the screens on June 3 this year. Interestingly, apart from Samrat Prithviraj, Akshay has several interesting movies in the pipeline. This includes Ram Setu with Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrrat Bharuccha, Selfiee with Emraan Hashmi, Raksha Bandhan, Mission Cindrella, OMG 2 – Oh My God, etc.
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