Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s upcoming film Shaakuntalam’s trailer is out and is successfully garnering massive attention from public. The narration and background music seen in the trailer is commendable. The trailer begins with the narration of Shaakuntala’s birth and how she fell in love with King Dushyant. The expressions of actress in the role of Shaakuntala are worth mentioning as she grabs the attention of everyone with her magnificent looks. Dev Mohan is seen playing the role of Dushyant. Veteran actor Mohan Babu portrays the role of sage Durwasa. The trailer ends showing Allu Arjun’s daughter Allu Arha as Prince Bharat riding a lion.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer Shaakuntalam trailer is out, and this mythological drama seems no less than a fairy-tale
The video was released with a description that read, “The massively mounted film Shaakuntalam based on internationally acclaimed Kalidasa’s Sanskrit play ‘Abhijnana Shakuntalam’ is all set to release in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam & Kannada. The story of Shaakuntalam revolves around the epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant from Mahabharata, portrayed by Samantha and Dev Mohan. The film is helmed by supremely proficient, Director Gunasekhar and marks a whimsical tale of love set in the Kashyapa Kanumalu (Kashmir), the grandeur and splendour of Dushyant’s Puru Dynasty making the film extremely exceptional.”
Helmed by Gunasekhar, the trailer opens with birds carrying a baby, while in the background, we can hear a voiceover introducing the abandoned baby girl as Shakuntala (Samantha), born to Menaka and Vishwamithra. In the trailer, Samantha is seen dressed in a white attire with her dark tresses braided in flowers. The actress looks pretty as a picture in the trailer of Shaakuntalam. In the next scene, the trailer introduces king Dushyant (Dev Mohan), who falls in love with Shakuntala when he sees her in the forest for the first time. The rest of the trailer offers a glimpse of Shakuntala’s hardship after the curse of Rishi Durvasa, which made king Dushyant forget his love for Shakuntala. Towards the end of the trailer, the makers introduced Allu Arjun’s daughter Allu Arha as Shakuntala and Dushyant’s son Bharat.
The mythological drama is based on Kalidasa’s Abhijnana Shakuntalam. The story revolves around an epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant of Mahabharat. Besides Samantha, the film also features Dev Mohan, Allu Arha, Sachin Khedekar, Kabir Bedi, Dr.M Mohan Babu, Prakash Raj, Madhubala, Gautami, Aditi Balan, Ananya Nagalla, Jisshu Sengupta and others. This is Samantha’s second film after myositis diagnosis. A few days ago, she had posted on Instagram, “Art is my cure to all this madness, sadness and loss of belonging in the world & through it I’ll walk myself home. -Nikki Rowe #shaakuntalam.”
Shaakuntalam will be released in Telugu Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada on February 17, 2023. Earlier, the film was scheduled to release last year on November 4, but the makers postponed it owing to the film being chosen to be converted into a 3D format.
Further, ahead, Samantha has an interesting slate of projects including Kushi and Citadel.
Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu starts dubbing for Shaakuntalam; says, “Art is my cure”
More Pages: Shaakuntalam Box Office Collection
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