Sajid Khan’s presence in Bigg Boss 16 is turning out to be the biggest controversy of the season. Now Delhi Commission for Women chairperson Swati Maliwal has alleged that she has been receiving rape threats ever since she filed a formal complaint about Sajid Khan’s presence on the show. She also took to Twitter where she wrote that after writing a letter to the I&B Ministry, she received rape threats on Twitter. She said someone wanted to stop the process. She said she wanted the Delhi cops to file an FIR and investigate the case immediately.
From #Sajidhan I wrote a letter to the I&B minister to get him out of Big Boss, since then I have been getting rape threats on Instagram. They obviously want to stop our work. I am filing a complaint with the Delhi Police. Register an FIR and investigate. Arrest those behind them! pic.twitter.com/8YBq5oJ5TV
— Swati Maliwal (@SwatiJaiHind) October 12, 2022
Sajid Khan’s presence has not impressed the netizens. Sona Mohapatra was one of the first to express her anger, saying it was unfair to the alleged victims of his sexual harassment. Later, actresses like Mandana Karimi spoke out against this decision of Sajid Khan to appear in a TV show. Swati Maliwal wrote to the I&B Ministry that it was inappropriate to portray a “sexual predator” on a primetime show.
In her letter, she wrote, “The allegations against Sajid Khan are extremely serious in nature and should be investigated at the earliest. Under no circumstances should such alleged sex offenders be promoted on national television and OTT platforms.”
She said his presence was humiliating to women who risked a lot to oppose his inappropriate sexual advances. She said he was in a position of power and authority when he attacked them. Industry body FWICE said Sajid Khan has stayed out of the limelight for a long time and is entitled to earn a living. They said if people have a problem they should file a legal case.
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