Adipurush teaser released yesterday. Fans of Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan and Kriti Sanon seem terribly disappointed. There was a lot of talk about how Rs 500 crore was spent on VFX, but the result in the teaser did not impress much. People are writing to Om Raut on social media to make amends before the film hits the screens in January 2023. There is extreme disappointment with the look of Saif Ali Khan. Fans believe they have completely twisted what Raavan looked like from the pages of mythology. As we know Raavan is worshiped in some parts of India.
The teaser of Adipurush seems to have particularly upset people with how Raavan is shown. Raavan is believed to have been a scholar who composed the goosebumps inducing Shiv Tandav. He has knowledge of all scriptures, Vedas and was a great astrologer. People are upset that he does not have kumkum on his forehead. Now fans will remember how Sanjay Dutt’s Tilak in Shamshera created a sensation. It’s hard to know what society really wants. Some netizens believe that Raavan has a Mughal look. This is why Saif Ali Khan and Taimur are being discussed on social media. Check out the tweets…
Ravan was a Brahmin scholar who composed the ‘Shiva Tandav’. He had knowledge of the Vedas and was an excellent astrologer. This photo of Saif Ali Khan is no place for Ravana. A South Indian Brahmin in those times used to put kumkum on his forehead, this is a picture of ‘Mlecha’ Taimura. pic.twitter.com/bc8ACDq2ku
— ABHAY KHOPADE (@Khopadeabhay) October 3, 2022
Seif turned
amrita and kareena to khan ..
Produced by ibrahim sara jehangir taimur ….he fulfilled his duty to i$i isi$ & deen..
it doesn’t matter to him whether it looks gassy or flat. All that matters is changing the demographics in favor of AfPak
— plastic HATER (@HINDUmarhatta) October 3, 2022
I have zero expectations from actors like Abu Taimur aka Saif. But I don’t understand how extreme Hinduphobes like Saif are playing roles in many Indian historical films. The only option is to ignore all movies featuring such actors, whether produced by LW or RW.
(@imdayas) October 3, 2022
He is #Taimur ka baap not “Ravan” !!
Too bad for those #bollywood nuts. https://t.co/LdLqPlnVG0— Rajinder Raina?? (@rraina1481) October 3, 2022
After 35 years, Bollywood has turned the ‘grace’ of the arrogant Ravan into Mughal. pic.twitter.com/PT1DmVxVg3
— The Hawkeye (@thehawkeyex) October 3, 2022
Adipurush is Saif Ali Khan’s second film with Om Raut. Fans loved him as Uday Bhan Singh Rathore in Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. Let’s see how Om Raut and team will overcome this initial wave of social media disappointment.
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