There has been a lot said about Bollywood’s hottest couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding. Several rumours regarding their wedding date, venue, guest list, honeymoon plans, and more have been doing rounds on social media. According to the reports, Alia will be donning a Sabyasachi lehenga for her special day. Yes, you read that right. The actress will reportedly be wearing designer Manish Malhotra’s outfits for her wedding festivities.
Reportedly, Alia and Ranbir’s wedding will be a 4-day long affair. Their pre-wedding functions will be held at Ranbir’s house. Alia’s mehendi will start on April 13 followed by a sangeet ceremony on the next day. On April 15, Alia and Ranbir will tie the knot in the presence of their family and friends. As per the reports, the couple will get married in an intimate ceremony. Moreover, there are reports that the two will also host a lavish reception by the end of April.
On the work front, Ranbir and Alia met on the sets of Brahmastra and fell in love with each other. The two made their first appearance as a couple at Sonam Kapoor’s wedding reception in 2018.
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