Recruiting Phone Interviews | Sunday Observer

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Recruiting Phone Interviews | Sunday Observer
Recruiting Phone Interviews | Sunday Observer


In this time of crisis, especially with transportation restrictions, employers have limited chances to conduct personal interviews in their offices. Many have already switched to telephone interviews in recruitment due to the fuel shortage in the market. However, even in normal times, conducting telephone interviews has many advantages.

On the eve of World Water Day last week, the UN offered a sobering statistic: according to a recent study, more people on earth have access to mobile phones than toilets. It was revealed that out of about 7 billion people in the world, 6 billion have access to mobile phones. This is obviously good information for market researchers and telephone interviewers. In fact, being able to reach 85% of the world’s population via mobile phones is amazingly positive news for marketers and recruiters.

For many decades, the traditional form of interviewing has been the face-to-face or group interview. However, technology has served as a boon to the corporate world. Thus, various other modes or types of interviews have emerged, such as telephone and video interviews.

A convenient way

A greater number of organizations are now using telephone interviews to assess potential employees’ general abilities, telephone manners and other abilities as a result of the growth of call centers and other telephone-based industries. Phone interviews are a quick and convenient way to find the best candidates and weed out unwanted prospects, but they should never replace the final in-person interview.

Employers who employ many people on a regular basis, especially graduate employers such as large accounting firms and large banks, often conduct telephone interviews. Visit our guide to conducting effective phone interviews if you’d like to learn more.

Telephone interviews have many advantages, including being faster and more convenient for both you and the interviewee than arranging an in-person meeting. A face-to-face meeting is as important as qualifications and experience, but such meetings depend on and require personality, telephone skills and demeanor. However, due to the fact that neither participant can see the other during a telephone interview, the usual visual cues are absent.


For marketing companies and sales professions, especially telephone sales, verbal communication skills are critical. Therefore, in such situations, telephone interviews are particularly common. However, other companies use them to screen candidates for a wide range of positions.

Telephone interviews often serve the interests of the employer more than the candidate. However, a telephone interview is preferable to no interview for a job seeker. Telephone interviews have advantages and disadvantages, like all practical techniques.

How do phone interviews go? A telephone interview, also known as a telephone screening, is a job interview that takes place over the telephone, but usually uses only audio and no video presence. Telephone interviews are often used during the hiring process before narrowing down their options and selecting candidates for additional, more in-depth interviews in the next round. Hiring managers should use this form of intern review as an initial screening.

However, because there may be fewer opportunities to make a personal connection during phone interviews than during in-person interviews, job seekers may find them a bit more difficult.

A telephone conversation is much cheaper than a face-to-face interview, especially if the respondent is not nearby. Telephone interviews not only save money on transportation costs, but also save travel time that can be used more efficiently and profitably elsewhere. Cost reductions can make it possible to conduct more interviews, increasing the validity and reliability of the results and allowing any outliers to be eliminated, resulting in richer and better quality data.


The flexibility in question when conducting a telephone interview is enormous. It is beneficial for both the interviewer and the respondent to speak to an interviewer on the telephone, as this allows a great deal of flexibility in the interview process. This is a much better approach for the interviewer to screen potential candidates, make sure they are the right person to talk to, and give them more time to focus on any special interests the respondent may have expressed.

In addition to providing more in-depth answers than you would likely get from an online survey and a higher response rate, it allows respondents to ask any questions they may have.

Telephone interviews also provide a wider geographic reach for employers. Prospective employees who work off-site, such as salespeople, engineers, and technicians, are notoriously difficult to find because they travel and don’t have time for in-person interviews. This means that people are less likely to respond to a job offer. However, telephone interviews can quickly reach a large number of people with little effort on the part of either the interviewer or the respondent.

However, with many of the aforementioned benefits, telephone interviews are not without their drawbacks. Lack of body language, which can be extremely helpful in understanding a candidate’s suitability, is a significant obstacle. This is common for the interviewer and the candidate.

If the interviewees are visible, the employer can determine whether they are interested in the position or not. It can be challenging to determine a candidate’s level of focus during a phone interview. If the candidate disagrees with a statement the interviewer may have made, they may not notice him smiling or frowning. Also, you can’t see their exact body or facial expression. Therefore, the employer has no alternative but to fly blind.


Many organizations have switched to telephone interviewing specifically for prescreening to save cost and time. However, it is important to mention that video interviews conducted using tools such as Zoom can offer more advantages over telephone interviews, as the ability to visually convey information is more effective.

Telephone interviews can save money by reducing interview location costs, travel costs and subsistence costs. The interviewer can select possible candidates from the submitted resumes, talk to them several times, if necessary, on the phone, and further reduce the pool to a manageable number.

They have a better opportunity to analyze the candidate’s suitability and assess whether it is worth arranging a follow-up interview. Additionally, employers can use phone interviews to screen potential candidates before scheduling an important in-person interview. The most important factor is that face-to-face interviews can be conducted after the screening process is completed, which can significantly reduce time and stress for the employer.


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