Ranveer Singh has opened up about compliments that Samantha Ruth Prabhu showered on him during her appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan 7’. For the unversed, the South beauty said that she was ‘Ranveerified completely’ and called herself, his ‘fan for life’ on the show. Now, Singh has reacted to this and he was all praise for Samantha. The Simmba actor branded her as an ‘immensely talented’ and expressed his desire to work in a full fledge film with her.
To note, Samantha during her debut on KWK7 chose Ranveer when the host asked her to pick two Bollywood actors she would hire to dance at her bachelorette party. And, when Karan Johar asked her to name a second male lead in a love triangle with Akshay Kumar, the Oo Oo Antava actress again picked Singh. Samantha mentioned, “Ranveer Singh. You know, yesterday I shot an ad with him and I am Ranveer-ified completely. A fan for life.”
While Ranveer graced the first episode of Koffee With Karan 7 with Alia Bhatt, Samantha appeared with Akshay Kumar in the third episode.
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