The IT couple of Bollywood Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone went down the ramp for Manish Malhotra recently. The two redefined the definition of lovebirds and turned it up a notch with their hottest couple outings. The Pathan actress and Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani star has made news for a variety of reasons lately, but garnering headlines together is different. And yet, it’s not in a good way. Lately, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have both been on the receiving end of trolls and their ramp walk was also called out by netizens.
The Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone ramp
Deepika wore a custom made white lehenga choli while Ranveer complimented her with a black and white sherwani. Deepika’s lehenga came with a crusading cape with feather elements. The two had stunning chemistry on stage as they walked the ramp. Deepika shared pictures of herself in designer wear on her Instagram handle. Check it out here:
Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone trolls
Despite looking hot together, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been trolled by netizens. The Fighter beauty’s stomach in lehenga is the topic of trolling. DP is getting a lot of hate these days, some have called out her hairstyle too. On the other hand, Ranveer Singh, who made news for his latest nude photo shoot, was trolled for touching the legs of his mother and sister who were in the audience attending the fashion show. Netizens trolled him for his ‘sanskaar’ after the nude photo shoot. Check out the videos and comments here:
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Upcoming Movies
On the work front, Ranveer Singh has wrapped up Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani starring a pregnant Alia Bhatt, Shabana Azmi, Dharmendra and Jaya Bachchan to name a few. He has also completed shooting for Rohit Shetty’s Circus starring Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez and Varun Sharma. Ranveer also has Takht, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Baiju Bawra with Deepika Padukone. The actor also has a film with Shankar. Deepika Padukone, on the other hand, has big things lined up like Pathaan opposite Shah Rukh Khan, Fighter opposite Hrithik Roshan, Project K opposite Prabhas and The Intern remake with Amitabh Bachchan.
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