Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor-led period action film “Shamshera” has raised Rs 10.25 crore on its opening day, the makers announced Saturday. The big-budget drama, directed by Karan Malhotra and backed by Yash Raj Films (YRF), is Kapoor’s first release after the 2018 movie “Sanju”.
“‘Shamshera’ takes a slow start, opens to 10.25 crore nett in India. All eyes are on the weekend to see its trajectory. ‘Shamshera’ – India NBOC day one Rs 10.25 cr,” YRF stated. Set in the 1800s, the film chronicles the story of a dacoit tribe, headed by Kapoor — who plays the dual role of Shamshera and his son, Balli — fighting for their right and independence from the British.
Actor Sanjay Dutt plays the antagonist Shuddh Singh, a ruthless cop tasked by the British to rein in the tribe. “Shamshera” also stars Vaani Kapoor, Saurabh Shukla and Ashutosh Rana.
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