Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s wedding is all set to commence this week. Pinkvilla has been bringing several updates about the lovebirds’ D-Day and it is not too far. The wedding festivities will begin on 13 April and close friends and family will be in attendance. The wedding will not be a grand affair but in the presence of those who matter the most to the couple.
While the wedding week is set to begin, the excitement among Ranbir and Alia’s fans is off the charts. Thanks to these fan accounts, we too aren’t missing out on any of the action. For example, several fan accounts over the weekend kept a tab on Alia’s close friends list as they arrived in India and touched down in Mumbai.
Take a look at the excitement among fans ahead of Alia and Ranbir’s wedding:
Meanwhile, another fan dropped a fine artwork featuring the couple. Several children of an art school in Mumbai also painted the couple’s portraits. Over the weekend, Alia Bhatt’s manager Grishma Shah also shared a photo of several candles as well as vintage lamps hinting that they could possibly be part of Ranbir and Alia’s wedding decor. Fans were quick to join the dots as they shared an earlier picture of Alia with a candle.
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