Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are now man and wife. This was the biggest Bollywood wedding of the year. Sangeet and dance choreographer Rajendra Singh who is known as Masterji Rocks on Instagram is a close associate of the Kapoor Khandaan. We have seen his videos with Neetu Kapoor. He told Pinkvilla that Ranbir Kapoor and his brother-in-law Bharat Sahni danced on the song Tenu Leke Main Jawanga from Salaam E Ishq for the sangeet. It seems all the boys later joined them for an impromptu dance. The sangeet happened last evening at Ranbir Kapoor’s residence. The wedding happened in the Vastu Building.
He also said that everyone sorely missed Rishi Kapoor at the dance practice, as well as the function. He said he is missed everyday. Masterji aka Rajender Singh said that when Riddhima Kapoor got married, it was the first marriage in the family. It seems Rishi Kapoor wanted everything to be perfect. He told the portal, “So how was the dance practice happening, how the wedding preparations are going on – so when you go back in the flashback you remember all these memories. Everyone missed him, including me.”
He also said that Rishi Kapoor would never call him Masterji but refer to him as Panditji. He also confirmed that no reception is happening. Every media has reported that the couple is throwing a big bash at The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel on April 17, 2022. The masters said that no reception is happening any time soon.
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