RRR star Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Kamineni is currently celebrating the best phase of her life and that is entering motherhood. The star wife announced her pregnancy after ten years of marriage and their happiness knows no bounds. Just a few days ago, Ram and Upasana took to their Instagram and shared this happy news with their fans and loved ones. Upasana and Ram are one of the most loved couples in the south industry. Their relationship has gone through many beautiful phases together, but becoming parents is something they have always dreamed of like almost every couple.
Upasana, who is also an entrepreneur and ready to become a mother, shared a beautiful picture of her along with her main ladies and seeks their blessings. “I enter motherhood with the blessing of the most important women in my life. I miss Atama.”
Upasana and Ram often talked about a baby, but they were waiting for the right moment. However, in one of her conversations with Sadhguru, Upasana had talked about not wanting a baby and asked Sadhguru, who praised her thoughts of meeting her mother-in-law. But things changed with time and the same happened with Upasana, now she is ready to become a mother and she is taking care of herself as much as possible.
Ram has always stood like a rock with his wife Upasana and when he was initially asked if they would embrace parenthood together, he had said that they both definitely wanted to have a family and were waiting for the right time and now the right time has come. Fans of the couple are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the little one.
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