Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela welcomed a baby girl early this morning. Chiranjeevi, the grandfather named her Mega princess. Ram Charan and Upasana’s daughter is currently being talked about. Ram Charan fans and family as well as celebrities from the South industry are showering love and blessings on Mega Princess right now. And in the midst of all this, a photo is circulating in WhatsApp groups and also on social media claiming to be the photo of RC and Upasana’s daughter. Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni’s daughter picture leaked? Here is the truth about the same.
Ram Charan and Upasana’s daughter photo leaked?
Since morning, Ram Charan, Upasana Kamineni and Mega Princess are dominating the entertainment news headlines. A photo of a newborn baby from the hospital has been shared widely, claiming to be the new born baby girl of the Konidela family. However, Ram Charan’s digital manager finally took to Twitter, spilling the beans about the same. Siva Cheri shares that the photo being circulated is not of Ram Charan and Upasana’s baby girl, Mega Princess. Check out the viral photo and also the snapshot of Siva Cherry’s tweet here:
The photos circulating on social media are not the photos of #MegaPrincess
— SivaCherry (@sivacherry9) June 20, 2023
Family members visit Ram Charan, Upasana Kamineni and their daughter in the hospital
Since the morning, many celebrities, mostly Ram Charan and Upasana’s family members, dropped by the Apollo Hospital to greet the couple and bless the baby girl. From Allu Arjun and Sneha Reddy to Allu Aravind, Varun Tej, Chiranjeevi and wife, Ram Charan’s sisters Niharika and Sriya and others have stopped by to visit Mega Princess. Celebrities like Mahesh Babu, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Rashmika Mandanna, Jr NTR, Kiara Advani and others showered wishes on the celebrity couple.
Ram Charan’s father Chiranjeevi tweeted welcoming the little Mega Princess. He praised her saying that she has blessed the entire Mega family including the parents and grandparents. “Happy and proud,” he wrote. Ram Charan and Upasana decided to freeze their eggs as they wanted to focus on their professional lives and secure themselves financially. Upasana expressed her happiness that she did not come under societal pressure to have a baby right after marrying Ram Charan in 2012. Once again, congratulations to the couple.
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