Generally, Bollywood stars don’t enjoy too much media intrusion in their personal lives and actress Rakul Preet Singh is no exception. The actress is in a relationship with filmmaker Jackky Bhagnani and in a recent conversation with a news outlet, she shared that she has a very loving and natural relationship with Jackky but she doesn’t want it to be a topic of discussions.
Rakul told Hindustan Times, “Anybody’s personal life is as normal as anything else in their life. It is just that if we were not actors, it wouldn’t be a talking point. In fact, I feel being in a relationship is the most natural progression for any human being. Like after parents, having siblings, and then having friends, you have a partner”
Rakul and Jackky went public with their relationship last year as they didn’t see point in keeping it a secret. Talking about that, the actress stated, “We don’t want to hide and say ‘we are just good friends’. We want to acknowledge that. But do I want it to be a talking point at all points? The answer is no. My work should speak. Both of us are on our own individual journeys when it comes to our professional sphere. And that’s it.”
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