Jio Studios’ Kacchey Limbu is a slice-of-life drama about a bond between a brother and her sister. Starring Radhika Madan, Rajat Barmecha and Ayush Mehra, the film revolves around cricket, and is directed by Shubham Yogi. The movie will be released on Jio Cinemas from tomorrow May 19.
Radhika Madan’s bowling action in Kacchey Limbu is inspired from Jaspreet Bumrah, says director Shubham Yogi
Kacchey Limbu is about Aditi (Radhika) and her elder brother Akash (Barmecha). Both have their respective challenges in life. There comes a time when both find themselves in the opposite teams in a cricket match.
Director Shubham Yogi said that there was a lot of thought behind the bowling action of Radhika. “When we started prepping for the cricket, I wanted to see what comes naturally to the actors,” he said in a statement. “Radhika had grown up playing underarm with her older brother and she was super excited to show us what she knew. But she was even more eager to explore and invent a bowling action that could be an identifier for the character.”
They finally zeroed in on taking inspiration from the star Indian fast bowler Jaspreet Bumrah. “Our research spanned from attending underarm tournaments in the suburbs of Mumbai to watching cricket highlights together. And in all this prep, we choreographed Radhika’s action as an amalgamation of what came naturally to her and taking inspiration from one of the best bowlers of the world – Jaspreet Bumrah,” said Yogi.
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