Pushpa fever is high, especially as Allu Arjun is all set for his next rom-com drama with Kabir Singh director Sandeep Vanga, which is also his Hindi debut in Bollywood. Latest reports claim that Allu Arjun has received a whopping sum of Rs. 125 crores for this said film and the producers have even happily paid the actor as his Pushpa Super Success effect. And with these high fees, Allu Arjun became the highest paid actor in the South Indian industry and managed to beat Baahubali star Prabhas.
Earlier reports claimed that Prabhas was once the highest paid actor in the south as he used to charge 100 crores for his films but due to his successive failures he was dethroned and Allu took that title as the highest paid actor south star Allu Arjun’s Hindi debut comes at the right time as with Pushpa the superstar managed to create a niche among the Hindi audience as well and now it will be interesting to see the response his debut Hindi film gets among the Hindi audience. The actor is currently shooting for Pushpa 2 and fans can’t wait to see his colorful and fiery magic on screen.
I have been looking forward to this combination for quite some time. @imvangasandeep garou magic is something that touches me personally. We hope to give a memorable film that will be remembered for a long time. pic.twitter.com/i24uOyoFkI
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) March 4, 2023
With the huge success of Pushpa, Allu Arjun managed to become one of the highest paid South Indian actors. Apart from Allu Arjun and Prabhas, Ram Charan is another actor who has reportedly earned around 75 crores or RRR. The industry in South Carolina is booming and how!
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