Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas enjoys a huge fan base across the world. Not just budding actresses or men adore the desi girl, she has a loyal fan following in young kids as well. Recently, a young fan gushed over the actress’ utter beauty and told his mother he loves PeeCee in a TikTok video. This sweet clip has gone viral on social media. In fact, Priyanka too took a note of it and responded with a hilarious reply.
Meanwhile, Priyanka has recently wrapped up the shooting of his Amazon Prime Video’s action series Citadel in the US. She announced completing the project via a post on her gram. The action thriller also stars Game of Thrones actor Richard Madden in a pivotal role and the show is backed by Anthony and Joe Russo. PeeCee also has the upcoming Bollywood film Jee Le Zaraa with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in her kitty.
Image Source: Instagram
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