The trailer of Bheed directed by Anubhav Sinha is finally out. Ever since the poster and teasers were released, the film has created curiosity. The black-and-white stills made the audience wonder if the film was about the partition of 1947. However, the teaser put an end to all speculations, revealing that the story depicts the difficult phase of 2022 when the lockdown hit India. The trailer of the film, which looks like the one about the partition of India, has been released and the film is slated to hit theaters on March 24.
The trailer opened with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s voice announcing a nationwide lockdown. Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar play the characters of a police officer and a social worker who put their lives at risk to help people in a difficult situation. The film shows the darkest phase of the global pandemic that hit the nation in 2022 when the coronavirus spread across the globe. Bheed is a black and white film that articulates the divide our generation faces in 2020. The Anubhav Sinha film brings attention to the dire situation almost every citizen has gone through during the lockdown.
Watch trailer of Bheed
The makers of Bheed revisit the horror of the lockdown and compare the situation to the partition of India given the fact that people were stranded in different cities trying to return to their homes. The teaser and trailer are in black and white, and for the uninitiated, the entire film was shot in the same color format. The creators decided to show the darkest reality of COVID-19 in black and white cinema. Bheed will be an all-black-and-white film, and this comes 12 years after the 84th French Oscar-winning film, The Artist, was made entirely in black-and-white.
Bheed stars Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar in the 2022 blockbuster story, in which the former plays a cop who fights to change things. The two stars are collaborating again after their film Badhai Do. The film also stars Dia Mirza, Pankaj Kapoor and Ashutosh Rana. It is directed by Article 15 director Anubhav Sinha and co-produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Benaras Mediaworks. Bheed is slated to hit theaters on March 24, 2023.