Bollywood power couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are reportedly expecting their first child and are all set to become parents. This news has attracted a lot of attention and netizens are eagerly waiting for the couple to make an official announcement on social media. Recently, Bipasha and Karan attended a family gathering and had a gala time with each other. Pictures and videos from the party went viral and fans noticed Bipasha’s baby bump. It was Bipasha’s sister’s daughter Soni Basu’s birthday. Bipasha shared her pictures after reports of her pregnancy went viral.
In one of the pictures Bipasha is seen posing with the birthday girl and in the other picture she is seen posing with her sisters Soni and Vijayeta Basu and mother Mamta Basu. She captioned the post as ‘Basu babes’. Karan Singh Grover also shared a series of pictures and gave a glimpse into their family time.
Check out the pictures –
Several fan pages of Bipasha shared the remarks and wrote “cleverly hiding her baby bump”. While one wrote: “Congratulations and God Bless”, another said: “Why can’t you just wait for them to announce!”. Netizens tried to spot her baby bump.
Bipasha and Karan tied the knot in 2016 and are on cloud nine these days. Well, the two will announce their pregnancy at some point.
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