Adipurush Starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan, Sunny Singh and others received a bumper opening at checkout. Despite all the negative reviews and critics, the film did a huge business in the opening weekend. It crossed the Rs 300 crore mark in the first three days. However, Om Raut-led Adipurush failed to pass the test on Monday at the box office and since then the numbers have been falling. Even on the first Tuesday, Adipurush could not bring the numbers back.
All you need to know about Adipurush day 5 box office collection
According to the latest reports, Adipurush has managed to earn Rs 10 crore at the box office on its first Tuesday at the Indian box office. These early estimates and total collections are yet to come. By the end of the first Monday, Adipurush collected Rs 375 crore worldwide. The pace at which Adipurush was flying had definitely slowed down. One wonders if the dip in numbers is due to the controversy that followed the release of Adipurush. Will the film reach the Rs 500 crore mark? The creators are crossing their fingers.
Dispute about Adipurush
After the release, the Prabhas and Kriti Sanon film has been ruling the social media as the makers have been slammed by the netizens. Viewers are unhappy with many aspects of Adipurush including the dialogues, looks and others. Saif Ali Khan essays the role of Raavan/Lankesh in the film and the netizens were shocked to see the way he is portrayed in the film. Writer Manoj Muntashir also became a target of trolling and attacks on social media for several dialogues. He recently announced that dialogues that hurt the sentiments of the masses will be changed. Keeping the promise, the makers have changed the dialogues, which were considered by some to be ‘tapori’. Many even called for the film to be banned because viewers were so furious. In fact, even the original cast of Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan expressed great disappointment with the makers of Adipurush. Even Prem Sagar criticized the makers. Now it remains to be seen whether the changes will help the film make a comeback at the box office.
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