Piers Morgan doesn’t see the irony in a viral interview with a TikTok prankster

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Piers Morgan doesn’t see the irony in a viral interview with a TikTok prankster

Piers Morgan just had one of the most messed up interviews of his career Piers Morgan Uncensoredwith teenage TikTok creator Bacary-Bronze O’Garo, known as “Mizzi.”

Mizzy recently went viral for all the wrong reasons after a series of increasingly nasty pranks he posted on his TikTok channel escalated into outright anti-social behavior, culminating in Mizzy walking into a stranger’s house, uninvited, and filmed the exchange.

The house turns out to be a family residence with young children, and the footage shows the concerned parents repeatedly asking Mizzi to leave. The clip went viral on social media, with many expressing dismay at how much young creators will go to in pursuit of fame, spurred on by the chaotic vagaries of TikTok’s algorithm.

After the prank, Mizzy was fined and given a criminal conduct order, which places restrictions on his use of social media, banning him from posting videos online without the documented consent of the people featured in the content.

Morgan left Mizzy for an interview that was really a lengthy berating, telling the 18-year-old that he was “a product of his upbringing” and asking him why he wanted to “cause so much distress and suffering to so many people. “

Mizzy said he was forced into the viral prank and that he felt remorse for his actions, explaining that he apologized to the family the next day but chose not to broadcast his apology and turn it into content.

The interview becomes increasingly heated as Mizzy expresses regret and Morgan repeatedly accuses the teenager of not feeling any real remorse. “A lot of the things you do could have far more serious consequences, but you don’t care … you have no remorse,” Morgan said.

Mizzy responded defensively, describing his pranks as “fun” and describing British laws as “weak” after Morgan said his punishment was not severe enough. During the interview, Morgan repeatedly called Mizzy an “idiot” and an “idiot.”

The interview soon turns into a shouting match as Morgan continues to interrupt Mizzy, seemingly trying to provoke an emotional response from the teenager, preliminarily accusing Mizzy of telling a “sob story” to justify her actions. Mizzy then asks, “Are you trying to get at me because I’m black?”

Morgan replied, “Why would I care what color your skin is? I just think you’re an idiot for what you’re doing and for playing the race card when no one has mentioned the color of your skin.

The most vivid (and surreal) segment of the interview, however, sees Morgan scolding Mizzy for engaging in bad behavior for clicks and attention. Mizzy admits that attracting “hate clicks” is “easier” and Morgan reacts with stern disapproval, taking the moral high ground.

The irony is that harvesting “hate clicks” is a strategy that Morgan, of all people, is well versed in. Morgan’s entire media career has been defined by backlash and controversy, with Morgan currently facing serious allegations of harmful behavior far beyond that of an immature teenager on TikTok.

Morgan previously worked as an editor for the British tabloids News of the World and The Daily Mirror, two arms of Rupert Murdoch’s reactionary, corrosive media empire. Morgan has repeatedly been accused of enabling illegal activity to obtain breaking stories during his time as editor, such as hacking voicemails and paying private investigators. Morgan has always denied these allegations.

Prince Harry even claimed that Morgan “knew, encouraged and covered up” the illegal targeting of Princess Diana. Harry claimed that the Murdoch papers publicly criticized Diana’s “paranoid delusions” about being illegally attacked, when in reality “she was under heavy surveillance and her conversations were illegally intercepted”.

Morgan has become a media personality, and his habit of seeking attention through controversy is best summed up by his strange, one-sided feud with Meghan Markle, which escalated into a personal vendetta and made him an online laughing stock.

Morgan previously described being deeply offended by Markle after daring to spend a night with him, then moving on with her life without reconnecting with Morgan.

“If Meghan Markle had done to you what she did to me, you would have been angry,” Morgan told The Guardian. “I literally got her into a taxi from my pub after a two-hour conversation. The moment she got into that cab she went to dinner where Harry was; the next night they had a one-on-one date at Soho House or wherever and I never heard from her again. Gone… I just found her incredibly shallow and the social climbing element quite terrifying.”

During his time as host of Good morning UKMorgan’s public criticism of Markle became increasingly frequent and hostile, with Morgan outright rejecting Markle’s claim that he was suffering from suicidal thoughts and that he had been refused help by palace officials.

“I’m sorry, I don’t believe a word you say, Meghan Markle. I won’t believe it if she reads me the weather report,” Morgan said.

When challenged on his increasingly unprofessional behaviour, Morgan lost his temper, storming off the set during a live broadcast after forecaster Alex Beresford called him out.

“I understand you don’t like Meghan Markle, you’ve made it so clear several times on this programme,” Beresford said. “She has the right to interrupt you. Has she said anything about you since she cut you off? I don’t think there is. But you keep breaking it.

The incident led to Morgan’s departure Good morning UKwhich explains why he’s currently hosting a title show Piers Morgan Uncensored and scolding a teenage prankster. Ironically, Morgan often opposes “virtue signalers” who display “intolerable self-righteousness.”

Towards the end of the antagonistic interview, Mizzy told Morgan that he had plans to start streaming on Twitch since his TikTok and Instagram accounts were banned.

“I’ll be on Twitch,” he said. “Yes, I’m going to start streaming on Twitch. IRL streams, game streams. My Twitch is ‘mizzyislive’ if you want to get it.”

It remains to be seen if Mizzy will continue to emulate Morgan’s strategy of picking up the “hate clicks.”

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