Suresh Gopi, Gokul Suresh and Neeta Pillai’s Malayalam movie Paappan worldwide Box Office Collection saw a good start on Friday in Kerala and is all set to be one of the Highest grossing Malayalam movie of 2022 in Kerala its overall performance is better than Malyankanju and looks set to follow kaduva
Paappan Box Office Collection Day 3
3 Crore gross in Kerala
Paappan Total Box Office Collection
8.3 Crore gross in Kerala
Overseas: Pappan will release next week in overseas market
Paappan Daywise Box Office Collection
Day 3:
3 Crore gross in Kerala
Day 2:
2.7 Crore gross in Kerala
Day 1:
2.6 Crore gross in Kerala
- KGFChapter2 – ₹ 7.2 Crores gross
- Beast: ₹ 6.6 Crores gross
- Bheeshma Parvam – ₹ 6.15 Crores gross
- Vikram – ₹ 5.02 Crores gross
- CBI5the Brain – ₹ 4.45 Crores gross
- Kaduva – 3.5 Crore gross
Paappan Budget
Paappan has been made on an overall budget of Rs 10 Crores inclusive of promotions
Paappan Screens
Paappan has been released on 250 screens in Kerala with 815 shows
Paappan Hit or Flop Economics
Paappan should gross 10 Crores to be called a hit
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