Outdoor Youth Scholarship Program | Cleveland Metroparks

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Outdoor Youth Scholarship Program | Cleveland Metroparks
Outdoor Youth Scholarship Program | Cleveland Metroparks

The Cleveland Metroparks Youth Outdoors Fellowship Program offers a unique opportunity to combine the great outdoors with professional development and meaningful work. This program is designed for individuals who are interested in exploring and learning about career opportunities in parks and recreation, environmental education, nature-based education, natural resource management, and other related fields. Applicants must be ready to embark on an extraordinary journey and unlock the door to Cleveland Metroparks’ world of opportunity!

Program details

  • Cohorts are 6 weeks long.
  • Regular meetings are held on Wednesday evenings from 4:00pm to 7:00pm, with some Saturday meetings scheduled as needed for more in-depth activities. Saturdays are usually 4 to 5 hours long.
  • Fall 2023 Cohort I – September to November.
  • Spring 2024 Cohort I – February to April.

Career development

Participating youth will explore their career interests and skills, learn about job opportunities, and gain valuable experience related to the career fields mentioned in the program overview. In addition, they will receive training and development of job-related skills, including but not limited to the following:

  • Writing a resume
  • Interviewing skills
  • Personal branding

Outdoor research

Participants will experience the wonder of nature by combining what they learn during career development sessions and applying it to hands-on outdoor experiences and service learning. Major activities may include hiking, biking, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, camping, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, team building activities, nature exploration, work observation, site tours, service projects, and more. All activities build a connection to nature and an appreciation for the natural world, as well as exposure to the many career opportunities at Cleveland Metroparks.

“Nature is our greatest teacher.” – Edna Walling

Eligibility requirements

Applicants for the Youth Outdoors Fellowship must:

  • You must be 14-18 years old.
  • Be a resident of the city of Cleveland.
  • Return all required documents.
  • Be willing to embrace new experiences.

How to apply

All fully completed applications and two (2) reference forms must be received by the deadline of 4pm on Saturday 5 August 2023.

Inquiry form

Important dates

Application deadline: August 5, 2023
Interviews for admission finalists: August 12, 2023
Admission decisions: August 21, 2023
(*Youth will be notified by mail and/or email of admissions decisions)

Program start date: September 13, 2023

For more information contact:

Outdoor Youth Scholarship Program
Cleveland Metroparks
11350 Broadway Ave
Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125
Phone: 216.206.1010
Email: yo@clevelandmetroparks.com

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