Nimrat Kaur, who has proved her acting prowess in films like Airlift, Dasvi and more, recently opened up about her trying times in the industry and when she went through many professional heartbreaks. In a conversation with RJ Siddharth Kannan, Nimrat revealed she auditioned 80 times before landing her first ad project, adding that her early career days were ‘tricky’ and she felt like leaving at times. The actor also spoke about her projects being shelved, receiving no response from filmmakers and more.
Nimrat Kaur reveals she auditioned 80 times before landing her first ad project
“Right in the beginning of my career, I did 80 auditions before I hacked my first ad—and that is a lot of heartbreak,” she said and added, “It was at that time, when you just needed to hack something, you’re standing in lines and difficult conditions, you’ve not eaten, you don’t know when you’re going to earn your next paycheque.”
She also opened up about signing a film with a ‘top star’ which was later shelved. “I don’t know if it is happening ever, and it really broke my heart. The film itself was on shaky ground,” she said and added that at first, she thought things fell apart because of her.
Nimrat said the worst response for an actor is when they get the silent treatment from filmmakers, calling it “a break-up without a text.” She mentioned, “It’s excruciating. The pain of knowing whether you’re doing something or not.” Lastly, the actor maintained that she won’t pursue filmmakers with phone calls, as it would make them ‘awkward’.
On the work front, Nimrat will be seen alongside Radhika Madan in Happy Teachers’ Day, a social thriller directed by Mikhil Musale. Produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films, the movie is slated to be released on September 5, 2023, on Teachers’ Day.
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