Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Starring Aisha Singh, Neil Bhattand Aishwarya Sharma is one of the most popular TV shows. The show took a leap a few weeks ago and Sai came back into Chavan’s life as Vinayak’s doctor. After the leap, Sai is shown as a strong, independent woman and the audience loves it. However, fans of the show are not happy with Virat’s image. They demand that Sai deserves better and that’s why “New male lead for Sai” is popular on social media.
Check out the fan tweets below…
Stop showing this symbol with two timers as the main man. He is shameless and disgusting! Easy scorned charring!
NEW LEADING MAN FOR SAI https://t.co/bS4tN2b0PO
— Ann⁷ ? (@BTS_buttertan) October 15, 2022
This is for Sai & Sai fans
Sai may end up with Virat in the future of forced storytelling by the makers, but that never changes the fact that Sai deserves better, better than V as a life partner✌️
Sai deserves a new man in her life who will love and respect her❤️
NEW MALE LEAD FOR SAI pic.twitter.com/wxXpCNMsYp— Suvam (@fictionaccount_) October 14, 2022
Ek maa se uska baccha chin kar sirf family ke naam par ek mentally ill women ko dena vo bhi criminal this is a crime.. stop normalizing mental abuse and punished criminals @StarPlus
NEW MALE LEAD FOR SAI pic.twitter.com/TqP3wWw4LO
— ayesha_saijoshi_ (@SangrameKalpana) October 14, 2022
Well, it is not yet confirmed whether there will be a new male lead in the show or not, but it seems that fans will be happy to see a new entry in the show as Sai’s love interest. Let’s wait and see if the makers will agree to the fans’ request or not.
Meanwhile, a few days ago fans were also happy with the chemistry between Sai and Jagtap. So, will there be a love angle between them?
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