Miss Universe 2021 Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu recently appeared as a guest on India’s Got Talent 9 sets. In a behind the scenes video posted by Miss Diva Instagram handle, Harnaaz is seen walking up to the judges panel where Shilpa Shetty, Badshah, Manoj Muntashir and Kirron Kher are seated. As she approaches them, they all congratulate Harnaaz for winning the prestigious title. However, netizens were annoyed by the way Shilpa, Badshah and others interacted with her.
Many people felt that the judges way of welcoming Harnaaz was fake. “These judges lack basic manners .. So fake and non interested .. Itni acchi ladki hai harnaaz .. Desh ka naam kia hai .. Koi respect kuch nhi .. Shameful,” one Instagram user commented. Another user wrote, “What’s wrong with them ?? Seriously dude it’s clearly visible that they are giving fake expression.”
Another user said, “This girl did so much for the country, brought back the crown after 21 years. And look at the judges reaction, it looks so fake and they don’t seem at all interested to greet and meet her.” Followed by another user who wrote, “The way the judges act is very annoying. They should be atleast grateful that Miss Universe is taking our time to promote their show. Ungrateful people.”
Watch the video here:
A few days ago, Harnaaz walked the runway for Shivan & Narresh designers at the recently held FDCI x Lakme Fashion Week in the national capital. She looked stunning in a red halter gown, but a photo from the occasion went viral for all the wrong reasons. Social media users body shamed the Miss Universe calling her ‘plus size’ and trolled her for gaining weight and curves.
Not to be deterred by the criticism, Harnaaz took her critics head on, stating she has been bullied for being too skinny and now too fat. She also asserted she is comfortable in her skin and loves herself. She revealed that her weight fluctuation is due to Celiac disease which is a reaction to a Gluten protein present in wheat, barley, and rye which causes an immunological reaction leading to weight gain.
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