Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasa Stankovic are one of the most loved celebrity couples in India. The couple never misses a chance to show their love for their little munchkin Agastya. Natasa always shares adorable pictures of the father-son duo, especially their cute and candid moments. Apart from that, she also does lifestyle blogging and keeps her followers updated with whatever is happening in her life. The cricketer’s wife shared a beautiful post the day following IPL team Gujarat Titan’s triumphant victory over Rajasthan Royals in the finals of the 2022 IPL, at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Motera, in front of around 1.3 lakh people.
Natasa’s Instagram post read, “What a night! What a win! We love you @hardikpandya93. You deserve this and much more! #proud #champions. Congratulations team, you all were amazing @gujarat_titans.” Natasa attached a few photos to the post. The photos had her standing with husband Hardik Pandya with the IPL trophy.
She also shared an adorable video of her husband and son interacting with one another following the memorable win. The Gujarat Titans captain asked his son Agastya if he loved him. Agastya’s “Yes” was followed by a series of ‘I love you’ messages from the father as he tucked little Agastya in the blanket. This sweet and intimate moment between the father and son, captured by Natasa left everyone in awe.
The video of the cute moment shared by Hardik Pandya and his son can be watched HERE.
Following the glorious victory over Rajasthan Royals, the team of Gujarat Titans was seen doing an Ahmedabad city tour to acknowledge the supporting crowd that stood with them through thick and thin. Gujarat Titans is the only second team that won an IPL trophy in their first attempt after Rajasthan Royals being the first team to do so, back in 2008. A few moments back, the family of three, Hardik, Natasa, and Agastya, was spotted at the Mumbai airport as they landed in the city.
Also read: Hardik Pandya & Natasa Stankovic’s son Agastya steals parent’s thunder with his cute smile in THIS Diwali pic
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