Most famous celebrities from Bradford revealed in new interactive map

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Most famous celebrities from Bradford revealed in new interactive map


The most famous person from Bradford has been revealed, according to a new interactive map, but the result may come as a surprise!

Mapbox researcher and geographer Topi Tjukanov developed the insightful map which reveals the birthplaces of the most ‘notable people’ around the world.

The data is based on a study published in June this year from researchers from the University of Paris. 

A person’s significance was calculated based on information scraped from Wikipedia and Wikidata. 

The data accounts for a series of factors including the number of Wikipedia entries, their average length, the average number of views from 2015-18 as well as the total number of external links.

“The data contains a rank value and a notability “sum value” these are used to determine which names are shown and how big they are,” Mr Tjukanov explained to users on Twitter.

You can explore the map and view the noteworthy people from hometowns all over the world in four different categories:

  • Culture
  • Discovery & Science
  • Leadership
  • Sports & Games

Who is the most notable person in Bradford?

Arguably, the most famous person to come from Bradford is artist David Hockney.

The artist most known for his photography and painting found his love for art at the Bradford School of Art. 

Now known for his contribution to the pop art movement, Hockey has since become one of the most acclaimed artists in the world and hasn’t left his Bradford roots behind.

Also from Bradford is Gertie Millar, an actress and singer from the early 20th century. 

Millar was also the Countess of Dudley and began her career at just 13 before becoming a star in musical comedies. 

Just outside of Bradford, author of Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë was born in Thronton. 

The novelist was best known for her acclaimed novel and her love for romantic poetry. 

See if you recognise any notable names by heading to the map now. 


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