Minority Report Built The Fashion Of The Future Out Of Three Different Worlds

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Minority Report Built The Fashion Of The Future Out Of Three Different Worlds


Deborah L. Scott is one of Hollywood’s preeminent costume designers, having worked on such high-profile films as “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,” “Back to the Future,” “Heat,” “Titanic,” “Wild Wild West,” three “Transformers” movies, and the two “Avatar” movies. In a recent interview with /Film’s own Jack Giroux, Scott discussed her approach to designing clothes for the future’s denizens, and how they needed to be divided among class lines. In “Minority Report,” the police officers are very fascistic and look very terse and militant. The outside world was wild and varied and represented a repressed civilian population. And then, of course, there was cruise himself, who needed to stand outside of both his character’s hero status and his actorly “movie star” status. Scott said: 

“[I]t was more of a fantastical world, but we based it, again, in reality. What I did, when I started off designing that movie, there are three parts of society. There’s Tom Cruise, there’s the authoritarians, and then there’s the underground people. I used three different illustrators with different styles, so that you could get this feeling organically. Tom Cruise is the real world, they’re slick, they were minimal designs based with an artist that was much more of a fashion illustrator. So, it’s a little gestural and very simple.”

With the world so trifurcated, and with three illustrators assisting in the design, Scott also pointed out that each part of society needed to be evocative of a different era of the past. In addition to the fashion illustrator for Cruise, Scott also hired an expert in 1940s classic Hollywood design and 1960s fascist design.


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