In a momentous event, the legendary Hollywood actor Michael Douglas paid a visit to the India Pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival. Accompanied by Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Dr. L. Murugan, Joint Secretary of Films at the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Prithul Kumar, and filmmaker Shailendra Singh, Michael Douglas graced the pavilion with his presence.
Michael Douglas meets Indian dignitaries at Cannes; discusses film collaboration in India
This visit came just two days after Michael Douglas received the prestigious Palme d’Or award at the festival, accompanied by his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and daughter, Carys Douglas. Shailendra Singh, known as India’s Creative Maverick, took the opportunity to introduce the cinema legend to Minister L. Murugan addressed the India@Cannes and FICCI contingent, which included renowned personalities such as Esha Gupta, Sara Ali Khan, Vijay Varma, and Khushbu Sundar.
Michael Douglas shared, “Shailendra referred to a project that we had hoped to do, called Racing the Monsoon, years ago. It still may be alive, and hopefully, we can do it. We had issues when we wanted to shoot, as it was during the monsoon season and we needed the trains.”
Shailendra Singh followed by saying, “Right, due to logistical reasons, Michael and I could not make Racing the Monsoon, the third instalment of Romancing the Stone (1984) and Jewel of the Nile (1985), but I have never given up on the dream to make a film together. I am giving it a try again. This time, hopefully, with the support of the Government of India. In the meantime, I am celebrating the lifetime achievement of my dear friend, and my personal, favourite actor of all time.”
Also Read: Michael Douglas to star as Benjamin Franklin in Apple TV limited series
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