South superstar Vijay Deverakonda is leaving no stone unturned to promote his upcoming Pan India film Liger, which marks his Bollywood debut. The actor has left everyone mighty impressed with his brilliant performance in the film where he plays MMA fighter who suffers from a speech disorder. In fact, before his film hits the theatres, Vijay is reportedly thronged with many exciting and big budget Hindi films. Yes, you read that right! As per the latest report, the Arjun Reddy actor has received a lot of Hindi film offers from biggest directors.
The report added that some of the biggest directors from B-Town have approached the Dear Comrade actor but he has refused the offers for time being.
Meanwhile, Liger has been directed by Puri Jagannadh and is produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions. The film also stars Ananya Panday, Ronit Roy and Ramya Krishna in pivotal roles. Recently, the makers of the film have released the third song ‘Aafat’ from the movie and it shows Vijay and Ananya’s piping hot chemistry. Liger is slated to release in theatres on August 25 this year.
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