Actress Kiara Advani has been on a promotion spree for her film Juggjug Jeeyo lately. Amid this, Kiara also clocked 8 years in Bollywood and she has been reflecting on her career choices in several interviews. In a recent chat, the Kabir Singh star opened up about reuniting with her Lust Stories co-star Vicky Kaushal in Govinda Naam Mera. The film was announced a while back and it stars Kiara and Vicky in the lead with Bhumi Pednekar. Now, in a recent chat, Kiara reflected on her bond with Vicky and called their on screen pairing ‘unique’.
Kiara on working with Vicky Kaushal
In a chat with Etimes, Kiara was asked about how she feels about reuniting with Vicky in Govinda Naam Mera. On this, Kiara said that she and Vicky always manage to get paired together in ‘quirky’ scripts. Calling the film ‘different’, Kiara shared that she has been referring it as a ‘trippy’ movie as they are yet to coin a term that could define its genre. Further talking about Vicky and her, Kiara said that she is looking forward to seeing how fans would receive their pairing in the film.
Sharing about it, Kiara said, “Vicky and I have always been paired in the most unique way. Lust Stories was such a unique relationship, so entertaining with a lot of depth and layers at the same time. And here again, I feel it’s a very interesting equation, a very different genre of film. I don’t know what to call it as yet because I don’t know. It’s like a thriller.. but we still have to find the term to coin for this particular genre because I think it’s something new, different. I keep saying it’s trippy because people on set have been calling it trippy.”
Adding further, Kiara said, “Vicky and I here, our equation and relationship in the film is something which is very unique, it’s not run of the mill, it’s not something you’ve seen before. Somehow we just always get paired with these quirky, funky equation. So, I’m looking forward to seeing how people receive this one.”
Starring Vicky, Kiara and Bhumi in the lead, Govinda Naam Mera is a comedy-thriller. It is being helmed by Shashank Khaitan and Kiara, Bhumi and Vicky have already shot for it. Their first look posters had left fans intrigued about the film. Backed by Dharma Productions, the new release date of the film is yet to be announced.
Kiara Advani’s upcoming projects
Meanwhile, besides Govinda Naam Mera, Kiara will be seen next in Juggjug Jeeyo with Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor. The film is directed by Raj Mehta and backed by Karan Johar. It is all set to release on June 24, 2022, in cinemas. Kiara also has been shooting for her film with Shankar. It stars Ram Charan with her.
Also Read|EXCLUSIVE: Kiara Advani reveals biggest learning in 8 years film journey, Varun Dhawan feels she has ‘grown’
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