Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani will soon be back to work after their wedding celebrations and the husband and wife are rumored to be working together in Shashank Khaitan’s new rom-com. And now we hear that Bollywood’s favorite couple has signed a three-film deal with Karan Johar’s Dharma Production and it will be similar to Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt’s Dulhania series. The insider reveals that Siddharth and Kiara are now the power couple of Bollywood and almost every producer and director wants to sign this couple but talking about Karan Johar, he is the one who gave them the biggest break in Bollywood and their games were changed. They were even welcomed by Karan Johar.
The insider reveals that Siddharth and Kiara signed this three-film deal with Karan Johar long back and will soon start for the first one. However, no official announcement has been made on the matter. As of now, both have their respective projects in hand and will start working on a film together later in the middle of the year. Siddharth and Kiara’s sizzling chemistry is creating fireworks on screen with Shershaa and how fans can’t wait for the lovey dovey to come back on screen.
Siddharth and Kiara got married on February 7, 2023 and their first wedding pictures took the internet by storm and managed to be the most liked picture on Indian Instagram. Sid and Kiara are currently in Delhi for their wedding reception and we can’t wait to catch a glimpse of this beautiful newlywed. Sidharth ad Kiara will work after Shershaah was confirmed by the couple themselves on Instagram Live as they teased their fans that they will be back together forever and that was when he hit that they will be getting married soon.
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