Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 has now reached its grand finale stage. The Rohit Shetty Show started with a big list of contestants like Rubina Dilaik, Shivangi Joshi, Faisal Shaikh, Tushar Kalia, Sriti Jha, Pratik Sehajpal, Jannat Zubair, Rajeev Adatia, Mohit Malik and others who have now made it to their top 4 contestants. Jannat Zubair, Tushar Kalia, Faisal Shaikh and Rubina Dilaik are reported to be in the top four. Today and tomorrow will be the grand finale and we will finally know the winner. But here’s a look at his grand final task.
Faisal Sheikh risking his life for Khatron Ke Khiladi 12?
In a promo video shared by Colors TV, we can see Faisal Shaikh performing a deadly stunt. He could be seen climbing a tree as the water poured over him in full force. He then jumps and hits his head on a branch. He falls into the pool below and everyone is in a state of shock. His rivals are screaming while Rohit Shetty himself is in a state of shock. Faisal Sheikh seems to have risked his life to perform this deadly stunt.
Watch the promo of Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 below:
Who will be the winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 12?
Well, there is a lot of anticipation surrounding the winner of the latest season of the stunt show. Some reports suggest that Rubina Dilaik has won while there are some reports suggesting that it is Faisal Shaikh. But a recent video of Tusshar Kalia made fans believe that he is the winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 12.
During the grand finale of the show, we will see a team from the movie Cirkus, including Ranveer Singh, who will make an appearance.
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