Pinkvilla had earlier exclusively reported that Khatron Ke Khiladi (KKK) 12 host Rohit Shetty, along with all the celebrity contestants will leave for Cape Town, South Africa on May 27th for an approx 55 days schedule of the reality show. They will be shooting abroad till mid-July before returning back to the bay. Celebrated choreographer Tushar Kalia too has participated in the show this year. Interestingly, he recently got engaged to Triveni Barman, and in a conversation with Pinkvilla, he opened up about taking up the show soon after his big day.
So was the decision tough? “Yeah, but the thing is that she is very supportive and insisted that you should do the show. I told her about its timeline, but she is very supportive, caring and said that you should do the show. She is supporting me, and I know that she is very relaxed and calm, and when she is calm, I am also very calm on the show. She knows that I am going to give my best for the show, and that’s what I am going for,” says Tushar.
He had captioned his engagement pics on Instagram as, “To new beginnings. Send us your love and blessings.” Any plans for marriage soon? “Soon I am going to announce for sure,” informs Tushar.
Meanwhile, because of the KKK 12 schedule, he will be away for a while, and Tushar states that he will miss his family a lot. “I am sure they are going to miss me too. Obviously you get home sick after a while. If you are away from your house for 40, 50, 60 days, then you always miss your food, especially the home food. So I am going to miss my family and home a lot,” he concludes.
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