Director Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan is one of the biggest upcoming Bollywood movies. The film was on the back burner for a long time, but the makers started working on it. It was recently announced that real-life couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will portray Lord Ram and Sita, while Yash will essay Raavan. The KGF actor, who was excited to star opposite Ranbir in the magnum opus, has now refused to play the role. Read on to find out what made him turn down the film.
After Prabhas and Adipurush starring Kriti Sanon, Bollywood is all set for another mythological drama based on the epic Ramayan. The new film has the same title as the mythological book which tells the story of Lord Ram’s 14-year exile and how he rescued Sita from Raavan. Pan-Indian superstar Yash has been offered the role of Raavan in the film. A source close to the situation confirmed that the actor has refused to play the said role in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan adaptation.
According to reports in ETimes, Yash was very keen to play Raavan, which is convincingly more challenging for him than playing Rama. Given the fact that Ranbir Kapoor was roped in to play Rama, Yash was excited to come on board. However, his team strongly advised him not to. Raavan is a negative character in the mythological drama, hence the actor’s team feels that his fans will not be happy to see Yash playing the negative role, even if it is of an antagonist as powerful as Ravana.
Yash, who enjoys a huge fan following, became a sensation after his performance as Rocky Bhai in KGF. In a previous interview with ETimes, the actor said that he has to be very careful about the sentiments of his fans. He said, “They are very emotional and tend to overreact when I go against their will.” Yash is very considerate of his fans and if this role would hurt his fans’ feelings, then he would rather turn it down than accept it, even though it is a strong role.
Hrithik Roshan was earlier approached to be Raavan in the film, but he also declined the offer. Now we are expected to see which actor will play the role of Raavan in Nitesh Tiwari’s film.
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