Katrina Kaif is busy promoting her film Phone Bhoot across the city with his colleagues Ishan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi. Katrina has several films in the pipeline including Shriram Raghavan‘c Merry Christmas. Vijay Sethupathi played a pivotal role in Merry Christmas alongside Katrina in the film. According to reports, the film was earlier slated to release around Christmas 2022. But now, it seems the makers are trying to avoid clashes with other Bollywood films releasing at the same time and hence may change the release date of Merry Christmas. And the maker of the same has opened the same.
The creators of Merry Christmas want to prevent a collision?
So, News18 quoted Bollywood Hungama as saying that the makers want to release Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi starrer Merry Christmas on December 23, 2022. However, after Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon’s Ganapath and Ranveer Singh-Jacqueline Fernandes and Pooja Hegde starrer Cirkus releasing on the same day may also find it difficult to get footfalls at the box office. Both Ganapath and Cirkus have enough buzz and hence Merry Christmas might be a tough time to grab the audience’s attention.
Check out Katrina Kaif’s Merry Christmas post here:
And hence, to avoid such circumstances, BH quoted a source as saying that the makers are planning to change the release date. Reportedly, the makers are yet to finalize a release date for Merry Christmas considering the script. And since they’ve locked down the date, they might make the announcement soon. However, Ramesh Taurani, the producer of Merry Christmas revealed that there is no such plan as of now. He added that they have planned to release the film on December 23 and it will release on the same day, the portal revealed.
What is Merry Christmas?
Merry Christmas is being touted as the thriller that Sriram Raghavan is best known for. Katrina had expressed her excitement about signing the film in her announcement post. “He is a master when it comes to narratives that show thrillers and it is an honor to be directed by him,” she wrote in her post.
Merry Christmas also stars Sanjay Kapoor, Tinu Anand and Vinay Pathak to name a few.
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