The global star couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas recently celebrated the six-month birthday of their daughter Malti. Priyanka and Nick became parents through a surrogate mother. Learn about other celebrity couples who have become parents through surrogacy.
Bollywood celebrities who became parents through surrogacy: Global star Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas recently celebrated their daughter Malti’s six-month birthday. Let us tell you that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcomed Malti via surrogate on January 21, 2022. The superstar couple has been doing their parental duty very well ever since they became parents. Well, the couple is enjoying their best time with their little Maltese princess. Not only Priyanka and Nick have welcomed a baby through surrogacy, but there are also Bollywood stars who have had a baby through surrogacy. From Sunny Leone to Shilpa Shetty, these big stars became parents through surrogacy. Watch the video to learn more.
Written by Devisha Keshri
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