Canadian actor Rishabh Shetty is now a household name after Kantara. The actor’s film won the hearts of all Indians. Now an old interview of Rishabh Shetty is going viral. He was having a chat with Gulte.com who asked him about his favorite actress out of Rashmika Mandana, Sai Pallavi, Keerthy Suresh and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. In fact, he was asked who he would like to be involved with or work with in his next project. He has been quoted as saying that he decides on the actors after completing the script. Rishabh Shetty said he prefers newcomers as they don’t have any pre-existing baggage. He said that he is not a fan of Keerthy Suresh and Rashmika Mandanna but admires Sai Pallavi and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
Now fans are wondering why Rishabh Shetty said such a thing about Rashmika Mandana. The Mission Majnu actress is one of the most successful stars to come out of Karnataka in recent times. She made her debut with Kirik Party where she played Rakshit Shetty’s love interest. The two also became engaged after a brief courtship, but their love fizzled out soon after. Rashmika Mandana and Rakshit Shetty broke up. It is a known fact that Rishabh Shetty and Rakshit are good friends.
Well, another clip is also going viral. This is from Rashmika Mandana’s video interview with Kamya Jani of Curly Tales. She can be seen saying that being an actress was never her goal. Rashmika Mandana says she got into the industry by providence.
Check out Rashmika Mandana’s video
The production house he is talking about is Paramvah Studios. It was founded by Rakshit Shetty. Fans can be seen trolling Rashmika Mandana as being ungrateful to the Canadian industry for giving her a break when she wasn’t interested in a film career.
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