lately, Priyanka Chopra makes many claims about Bollywood. From politics in the film industry to the pay disparity, she has spoken volumes. She recently spoke about how, despite having done 60 films, she was not paid the same as male actors. In the interview, she mentioned that she would be paid 10 percent of what the male stars would be paid. now, Kangana Ranaut reacted to Priyanka Chopra’s allegations. She wrote a long note on her Insta stories stating that the pay gap is real.
Kangana Ranaut shares her views on pay inequality in Bollywood
In the memo, Kangana Ranaut mentions that earlier women just obeyed these patriarchal norms and she is the first woman in Bollywood to fight for pay disparity. She also said that she encountered situations where her contemporaries offered work for free when she was still in the negotiation stage. Furthermore, she also wrote, “I can say with confidence that most A-listers (women) do films for free along with offering other services because they are afraid that the roles will go to the right people… and then cunningly release articles that they are the highest paid lol… in the film industry everyone knows that only I get paid like the male actors and no one else… and at least now there is no one to blame.” Along with this note, she shared the video of Priyanka’s interview Chopra.
Check out Kangana Ranaut’s post below:
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut works on a tight schedule. She has several movies in her kitty. She will next be seen in the movie Emergency. She will play the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. She is also preparing films like Tejas, Chandramukhi 2 and others.
Talking about Priyanka Chopra, the diva was next seen in a film called Jee Le Zara opposite Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif. She was recently seen in the Amazon Prime Videos series Citadel. Her Hollywood movie Love Again. She recently announced her another Hollywood movie which is titled Head of State. For more updates from Bollywood, stay tuned.
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