Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla are one of the best BFF jodis of Bollywood. They have made several super hit movies together. They are also joint owners of Kolkata Knight Riders. They have been friends since they worked together in Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman, which was one of his earliest films. Juhi Chawla recently spoke to a news portal where she shed some light on their friendship and why she gave bail for Aryan Khan’s release in the Mumbai Court. The actress made a very interesting revelation about their friendship. That’s what she said…
Shah Rukh Khan is one of the busiest stars of Bollywood. The actress said that they don’t meet often. She said fans will find it hard to believe, but it’s the truth. Juhi said Jay Mehta is more in touch with Shahrukh Khan. However, the two talk on the phone. Juhi Chawla also spoke about how she attended the sessions in Mumbai to sign a bond for Aryan Khan. She took his surety for the sum of one lakh rupees. The actress said that no one had predicted this crisis for Shah Rukh Khan’s family. The actress told News18: “But when it came down to that moment where I could help, I thought the right thing to do was to be there for him.”
Kolkata Knight Riders’ Rinku Singh created history by hitting six sixes in a row. Shah Rukh Khan met all the players. His picture with Rinku Singh and Nitesh Rana goes viral. The song Jhoome Jo Pathaan was also played. We saw him trying to learn Virat Kohli’s moves. In fact, the title track of Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani was also played at the stadium. Shahrukh Khan and Juhi Chawla played reporters in this film.
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