Jesus, Armstrong among the legends that would make for an interesting interview

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Jesus, Armstrong among the legends that would make for an interesting interview
Jesus, Armstrong among the legends that would make for an interesting interview

One of the many positive things about my long career in journalism is that I have had the opportunity to interview a wide variety of people from all walks of life.

Some had interesting stories about their lives and the people they met. It’s always been interesting to look inside the person to see the real person, not just the one they often portray to the public.

Thinking about all these people, I began to wonder what it would be like to interview some of the interesting people in history and have the opportunity to hear their story.

So, for fun, I’ve compiled a sort of “wish list” – in no particular order or ranking – of people I’d be interested in sitting down with my digital recorder to hear their story. They are people from different times in history, but the common thread is that they lived unique and interesting lives.

The case in point is whether you are a religious person or not, someone who would make an interesting interview is Jesus Christ. How can a man not be on a list of this type who has influenced the world for more than 2000 years?

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