Janhvi Kapoor is once again facing brutal trolling online for her latest appearance. The Good Luck Jerry actress was spotted out and about wearing a plunging neckline dress to an event and was massively trolled for wearing the revealing dress. Many taught the girl that she had forgotten her sanskara after the loss of her mother and Bollywood’s first superstar Sridevi. Janhvi was criticized for the ski show and was accused of becoming extremely open and unashamed of showing off her body every time after losing her mother.
Check out the nasty criticism and trolling Janhvi Kapoor faced for wearing a bold orange dress in this video below
Janhvi Kapoor often faces trolling for her daring outfits but this time the trollers attacked her heavily and even questioned why there is a need for a skin show for her as she is a privileged actor and doesn’t even have to struggle to find work and that’s why you need to look that way. One user commented: “ Adha dikhane se kya hoga pura dikha deti “. Other users said, “Thodi act bhi seekh loh…happy or sad same expression.” While the actress was even trained to take fashion cues from her contemporary friend Sara Ali Khan, who often leaves her fans and netizens impressed with her looks. Janhvi Kapoor often makes headlines with her fashion but this time she definitely failed to impress the netizens. What do you think?
On the professional front, Janhvi received a lot of plaudits for her ‘better acting’ in her latest release Good Luck Jerry which released on OTT. While she is also awaiting the release of ‘Bawaal’ opposite Varun Dhawan and reports claim that the actress will be seen in a never-before-seen avatar.
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