Ranveer Singh’s nude photoshoot has become the talk of the town to such an extent that the Mumbai police filed an FIR against him based on a complaint by a couple who found his nude photos obscene, hurtful to women’s sentiments and insulting their modesty. While Sumona Chakravarti, Vidya Balan stood by Ranveer, Jacqueline Fernandez’s doppelganger Amanda Cerny decided to run naked in public to support the Cirkus star.
In the video, Amanda strips down to her skin and runs naked through a grocery store like crazy. The video then features a series of nude photos of her, which she snaps in the store, even as she pays her bills at the till. She captioned the video saying, ‘Justice for Ranveer?’
Watch the video here:
Justice for Ranveer??? pic.twitter.com/GxSWPwxaOA
— Amanda Cerny (@AmandaCerny) July 29, 2022
Amanda Cerny, an actress, model and influencer, has been in the news in India for her strong resemblance to Bollywood star Jacqueline Fernandez. But did you know that Amanda was a Playboy model before becoming a celebrity on various social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter? She bared all for the magazine and needless to say, her NSFW photos are an absolute lust trap.
She started working as a model at 15. She started her career as a hobby, but later Kelly Carrington, who was presented as Miss October 2008, convinced her to submit her photos to Playboy. She was featured in Playboy as Playboy of the Month in October 2011.
In August 2020, Jacqueline and her doppelgänger Amanda were tapped to do a video podcast together called Feels Good. Their conversations revolved around sex, dating, health, culture, inspirational news along with occasional unexpected guests.
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