Alia Bhatt, who married the love of her life Ranbir Kapoor in April, celebrated her first Karwa Chauth post-marriage and the excited mother-in-law posted a picture of her bahu from the wedding along with her daughter Riddhima Kapoor and wished them a very happy holiday. Neetu Kapoor’s Karwa Chauth post for daughter-in-law Alia Bhatt made her fans wonder if she is also on a fast as it is not recommended to do so when pregnant. Well, fasting or not, we don’t know, but Karwa Chauth is all about celebrating love and ladies love to enjoy this day to the fullest and in honor of love they observe a fast. Today not only our ladies but even Bollywood men observe fast for their wives for their long life and good health.
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A post shared by neetu Kapoor. Fightingfyt (@neetu54)
Hope Alia Bhatt Doesn’t Fast Fan Comments On Neetu Kapoor’s Karva Chauth Post
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married after 5 years of relationship and today they are celebrating their first Karwa Chauth and we are sure the couple made everything special on this day. And we won’t be surprised to know that Ranbir has also stuck by his love since she can’t due to pregnancy. Last night, Ranbir and Alia were spotted at the popular Mumbai restaurant along with Neetu Kapoor and we are sure that the mother-in-law has treated bahu to all her favorite dishes and prepared her for Karva Chauth today.
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Apart from Alia, other Bollywood ladies are also celebrating this festival with all the love. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan to Deepika Padukone to fast on this day for the love of their husbands. Indian traditions are really special and when our Bollywood ladies follow them, it really inspires all other women out there.
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