Bollywood perfectionist Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha, produced by Aamir Khan Productions, Viacom18 Studios and Paramount Pictures, hits the big screen tomorrow. Directed by Advait Chandan, Kareena Kapoor is the female lead. Megastar Chiranjeevi presents the Telugu version. Naga Chaitanya enters Bollywood with this film where he will be seen in a very important role of a soldier. Geetha Arts is releasing the film in Telugu. Ahead of the film’s premiere, we caught up with Naga Chaitanya for a brief interview. Here is the transcript.
How was working with Aamir Khan?
It feels great to work with Aamir sir. I learned a lot working with him. Few movies will give us lifelong learning and memories. Laal Singh Chaddha is one such film.
What was your response when you received this offer?
My role will be for about 20-30 minutes. At first I didn’t believe it when I got a call from the team. Later, when Aamir and director Advait Chandan gave me a video call, I was so excited.
Tell us about your role in the film?
Performing such roles is very difficult work. I felt that this character was very new to me. My character is called Balaraju in this film which I feel is very special to me. It happens to be similar to my grandfather’s hit film ANR Garu Balaraju which was released in 1948. In a way I feel it is a blessing from him. I love the way Aamir prepares for a role in the pre-production phase. Playing alongside him has helped me to do a lot better and I feel really great playing with him.
How well do you believe this film connects with the Telugu audience?
My character Balaraju hails from a village in Guntur district called Bodipalem. Balaraju, belonging to AP, joins the army. Laal Singh Chaddha has Telugu nativity in him. The shooting also took place in several Telugu locations. I feel happy as Chiranjeevi Gaaru is taking personal interest and releasing the film. Also, people who have seen this movie have given very good reviews, which makes me happy. If the content is good, the audience will flock to the theatres, which was proved by the last two blockbusters here. Every Indian will relate to Laal Singh Chaddha.
What are the differences you have noticed in the Telugu and Hindi film industries?
The industry is a very creative field. There aren’t many technical differences here and there. I will not compare these two industries. Every director has his own vision and creativity and therefore we should not compare ourselves. Director Advait Chandan guided me very well throughout.
What do you think about performing special roles?
I like to play special roles. I’ve never made a character like that before. I am done with Laal Singh Chaddha and will continue to do them if I get good roles. I am very impressed to act along with Aamir sir. Anyone who plays with it will definitely shine. If you watch carefully every character in his films will be highlighted. Along with his character, it will have implications for the other characters as well.
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