Ever since Sonam Kapoor announced her pregnancy, she has been giving major maternity fashion goals to the mommies to be across the country. The fashionista had recently stunned everyone with her gorgeous maternity shoot in which she was seen wearing a stunning off-white satin outfit created by renowned designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. Adding to her maternity list is her baby shower, which yet again made her fans go gaga over her. The actress donned a pink halter neck maxi dress for her baby shower and her maternity glow was visible on her face. She paired the dress with golden earrings.
Meanwhile, a performer named Leo Kalyan also shared beautiful inside pictures from diva’s baby shower as he posed with her and sang Masakali at the party. Sharing the post, Leo wrote, “A spice girl in Bollywood. I just performed at Sonam Kapoor’s baby shower what is life?” Meanwhile, tagging Sonam, her sister Rhea Kapoor also shared a few glimpses of her baby shower including the aesthetic décor, beautiful flowers, and cheese cake on her Instagram stories. Sonam Kapoor also mentioned the stories on her Instagram.
Have a look at Rhea’s post:
Click here to see post:
To note, Sonam and Anand had announced their pregnancy in March this year with a sweet post that read, “Four hands. To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can’t wait to welcome you, the couple wrote.”
Recently, Sonam, along with her husband Anand Ahuja, had jetted off on holiday to Italy before they begin their new journey as parents. The couple shared several photos from their ‘babymoon’ with fans and followers. While sharing the pictures, Anand wrote, “Excited and ready as ever for our next chapter! #EverydayPhenomenal w @sonamkapoor, bestest pregers person ever.”
The couple will be welcoming their first child in August this year.
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