Indian fashion designer and couturier JJ Valaya has launched a new brand called JJV, with all garments made from TENCEL Luxe vegan silk. The collection was showcased for the first time at the FDCI x Lakmé Fashion Week in Mumbai.

TENCEL Luxe lyocell filament yarn is derived from renewable wood sources using a closed-loop process. The yarn is said to produce fabrics that are extremely smooth to the touch and naturally comfortable, with a very similar feel to silk.

JJV is described as a “bridge to luxury” collection, marking the first time Valaya has ventured into this category. The occasionwear brand features patterns such as chevron stripes and graphic prints, without the heavy embroidering typical of Valaya’s collections.

TENCEL Luxe Vegan Silk Collection
Image: Fashion Design Council of India on Facebook


TENCEL yarn is now used by a number of manufacturers as a more ethical and sustainable alternative to silk. Among them is Veshin, a sustainable vegan fashion factory in China. Uggs has also begun using TENCEL to make the lining and fluff for some of the shoes in its eco-friendly range, which was launched last year.

“I think it is important to remember that it is our planet, it is our moral duty to do as much as we can to make sure that it remains a fabulous place for us and for generations to come,” JJ Valaya told Vegan First.