NO sewing machine, no problem: anyone can tailor jeans with just a few carefully-placed hand stitches.
According to one fashion pro, the trick can tighten your waistband in minutes.

On Instagram and TikTok, Foinika Kay has over 1.3million followers under the handle ExteriorGlam.
She posts beauty, lifestyle, and fashion content, and for a recent post, she recruited her father to help execute an easy wardrobe hack.
“I know for a fact I’m not the only one who hates this gap when wearing high-waisted jeans,” Kay said.
Filming herself in the mirror, she captured the awkward gap at the back of her waistband, where there were several inches between her jeans and her body.
“Let me show you how we’re going to tailor them,” Kay said.
Her father appeared onscreen to help out, using a large binder clip to cinch Kay’s jeans at the back.

Kay’s dad drew lines on the jeans with a washable pen to indicate how much fabric to secure at the back.
“He’s measuring, then marking them,” Kay explained. Using a measuring tape, the duo recorded how wide the cinched area was.
Then, they divided the fabric evenly, spacing and drawing a small triangle around each half of the back belt loop.
Using a thick needle and strong thread, the duo sewed a “ladder” across the two triangles at the back waistband of the jeans.
Once the threads were in place, Kay’s father folded the waistband back by pushing it with a large knife.
Then, Kay pulled down on the thread, creating a permanent cinch.


“There it is! It’s tightening the back,” she said.
They repeated the process on the opposite side, following the same “triangle” guideline.
When Kay modeled the jeans again, they were a perfect fit.
“Look how nice and tight the waist looks,” she said.
In the comments section, fans thanked Kay for revealing an easy solution to the commonplace problem.
“Thank you for sharing!” said one woman. “Life problem solved.”
People also complimented her special guest assistant. “Yay dad!” wrote an impressed fan.
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