I just secured an interview for a job I’m really interested in. However, the officer gave me a choice between an in-person interview and a virtual one. Which option should I take? Elaine Varelas leads

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I just secured an interview for a job I’m really interested in. However, the officer gave me a choice between an in-person interview and a virtual one. Which option should I take? Elaine Varelas leads


Work Doc

Over the past few years, virtual interviews have been standard for most organizations. However, with increased vaccination rates and the removal of more mask-wearing mandates, the option to meet in person is becoming more widely available. Elaine Varelas guides on the benefits of face-to-face dating while providing alternative options.

Ask Job Doc. Boston.com

Q: I have the opportunity to interview for a job that excites me. The recruiter asked me if I wanted a face-to-face mask meeting or a Zoom call. What is the best way to introduce myself?

A: Since many people still work remotely or in a hybrid environment, meetings are much more often done virtually than in person. Whether it’s a Teams conversation with colleagues or a Zoom session with clients or a potential employer, the use of virtual engagements continues to be standard for many. Maintaining your health and that of others comes first in all situations. However, as mask-wearing restrictions are lifted and vaccination rates increase, many people are being offered the choice of attending an in-person meeting or continuing to meet virtually. If you have the opportunity and are concerned about health safety, it is extremely important for you to get more information about the practices and policies of the organization you will be interviewing with before the meeting.

Face-to-face meetings will always be more successful than a conversation conducted through technology. If you have the opportunity to appear in person for an interview, choose this one! Don’t be lazy and avoid commuting or professional dressing. Make the effort (which will most likely be rewarded) and get additional information to use in the interview or make a more informed decision.

When given a choice, there is often a third point of view to consider and present. Tell the recruiter that you’d be happy to meet the hiring manager in the office and with a mask, but add options such as continuing the conversation while going for a walk without a mask or meeting for coffee at a local restaurant to follow up a more personal presentation. If going into the office isn’t an option for you, think outside the box. Demonstrate to the recruiter and hiring manager your problem-solving abilities by offering options other than a site visit. This can really show you as the chosen candidate.

Meeting directly with one or even a few people provides much more information and benefits both parties. Facial expressions and body language provide clues to ask questions or add to an answer you might not get otherwise. Many organizations conduct virtual first and second interviews before proceeding to a face-to-face meeting for roles that are highly interactive. Managers are ready to make offers by then, but due to behavior, mannerisms or inability to connect, candidates walk away without an offer. Candidates also found that the information they received from a more personal interaction did not interest them at all in working for an organization. Recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates must be prepared to bring their A game in both virtual and in-person meetings so that every exchange is valuable, even if it doesn’t result in an accepted offer.


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